I've been implementing my own visual coding system for an untitled space exploration game. I had multiple places where I needed to start a coroutine from outside a Monobehaviour component.
The first class is just a class that forces a monobehaviour to persist through scenes
public class PersistentMonoBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
private void Awake() => DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject);
And the second class is the actual executor of the coroutine.
public static class CoroutineExecutor
private static CoroutineHandler _monoBehaviour;
private static CoroutineHandler Handler => _monoBehaviour ??= new GameObject("CoroutineExecutor").AddComponent<CoroutineHandler>();
public static void Execute(IEnumerator coroutine) => Handler.StartCoroutine(coroutine);
private class CoroutineHandler : PersistentMonoBehaviour { }
Feel free to steal the code for your own projects :)